Recently divorced, Frances Mayes is desperate to turn her life around. On a trip to Italy, she impulsively purchases a rural Tuscan villa and moves in to a town full of colorful local characters, hoping the change of scenery will change her life.

After a cataclysmic shipwreck, young Pi Patel finds himself stranded on a lifeboat with only one other survivor – a ferocious Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Bound by the need to survive, the two are cast on an epic journey.

Based in Headquarters, the control center of 11-year-old Riley's mind, five emotions are hard at work, led by lighthearted optimist Joy. She strives to make sure Riley stays happy as she operates alongside fellow emotions Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness.

An interesting take on what happens in the afterlife. Visually stunning with an emotional depth that is - at times - awe-inspiring.

A single mom who has just lost her job is reluctant to travel home for her relatives dreaded annual Thanksgiving dinner. However, when her daughter flakes on their holiday plans she must endure the chaos surrounding her dysfunctional family.

​With a lesson plan full of unorthodox methods, maverick teacher John Keating emboldens his all-boys preparatory school students, inspiring them to break out of their shells, pursue their dreams and seize the day.

A wonderful French film about a woman who decides to help others find happiness and in turn, finds her own happiness along the way.

"Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson presents a documentary - part music film, part historical record around an epic event that celebrated Black history, culture, and fashion. Over the course of six weeks in the summer of 1969, The Harlem Cultural Festival was filmed in Mount Morris Park (now Marcus Garvey Park). The footage was largely forgotten until now. SUMMER OF SOUL shines a light on the importance of history to our spiritual well-being and stands as a testament to the healing power of music during times of unrest, both past and present."