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Our Human Nexus

Writer: Taylor & LaurenTaylor & Lauren

“It really boils down to this: that all human life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.”

-Martin Luther King Jr

It’s crazy to think that almost three and a half years ago, all of the connections we had basically shut down. It seems like so long ago that we were forced into necessary isolation during a global pandemic. During the 18 months that we existed in our bubbles, we found out the importance of human connection and what we were missing without it. Those connections – even as adults – are vital to our physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological development. How can we cultivate those connections to ourselves, to nature, and to each other so we can not only exist, but thrive?

If you’ve been with us for the last three months, we’ve been talking about small changes and additions we can make in our daily lives – planting and nourishing the seeds of self-care. The fruit of that self-care is what helps us turn any average encounter into an inspired connection. In giving of yourself, you’re ultimately giving to yourself, as we’re all intrinsically connected. Bringing your authentic Self to the table creates magic in your life and the lives of everyone you meet. When we make those inspired connections and let go of the need for material and ego connections, we open to the full potential of co-creation with the universe.

Forest bathing, self-massage, quality time with friends - these connections to nature, self, and others are essential to our growth and well-being. In his book The Wisdom Wheel, Alberto Villoldo says, "We're challenged to interact with others and the world around us as the hummingbird gives and takes in relationship to a flower: Seek harmony. Help the Earth as she helps you. Contribute to the well-being of the planet and to others without needing to have a newspaper story written about you. Don't give in to the fear that scarcity and disaster will result if you don't stuff your face, your basement, or your head right now. Trust in the wisdom and nourishment that is available to you on your journey in this lifetime. Say yes to possibility by letting go of your patriarchal instinct to define exactly what that possibility is. Open to the mystical experience of co-creation."

These connections are what give us the ability to feel seen, heard, and valued - and to help others do the same.

Our August Favorites


Beach Music by Pat Conroy

The Wisdom Wheel by Alberto Villoldo



Everyday People by Sly and the Family Stone

Journaling Prompt

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Aug 01, 2023

Beautiful site. And beautiful thoughts. You make starting the day a great experience. Also, just received my new soaps. They are not only beautiful, but have an fragrance like no other. AND they last forever!

ApothoGothic BCTX
ApothoGothic BCTX
Aug 01, 2023
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We’re so happy you love them!

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